Ciara poses completely naked on her new album art

I'm not aware of any information about Ciara posing completely naked on her new album art. Ciara is a talented singer and songwriter, and I'm sure she would want to maintain a level of professionalism and respect in her public appearances and promotional materials.

It's possible that you may be thinking of a different celebrity or artist who has posed nude for an album cover or promotional material. If you could provide more context or clarify what you're referring to, I'd be happy to try and help you further.

It's also worth noting that album artwork is typically designed to showcase the artist's music and style, rather than to shock or provoke. While some artists may choose to use provocative or risqué imagery on their album covers, it's not always the case, and many artists opt for more subtle or tasteful designs.

If you have any more information or clarification about Ciara's album art, I'd be happy to try and help you understand the situation better.