Ciara new songs free mp3 download

Ciara is an American singer, songwriter, and model who has been active in the music industry since the early 2000s. She has released several successful albums and singles over the years, and has collaborated with many other artists. Here are some of her latest songs that you can download for free in MP3 format:

  1. "Beauty Marks" (2020) - This is the title track from Ciara's seventh studio album, which was released in May 2020.
  2. "Rooted" (2020) - This is a single from Ciara's album "Beauty Marks", which features a guest appearance by Ester Dean.
  3. "I Love Myself" (2020) - This is another single from "Beauty Marks", which is an uplifting anthem about self-love and self-acceptance.
  4. "Greatest Love" (2020) - This is a romantic ballad from "Beauty Marks", which features Ciara's powerful vocals and a soaring chorus.
  5. "Every Time I See Your Face" (2020) - This is a slow jam from "Beauty Marks", which showcases Ciara's vocal range and emotional delivery.

You can download these songs for free in MP3 format from various online music platforms, such as:

Please note that downloading music from these platforms may be against the terms of service of the platform, and may also be illegal in some countries. It's always a good idea to check the terms of service of the platform before downloading music.