Church of nigeria latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Church of Nigeria:

Archbishop of Canterbury's Visit: The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, visited the Church of Nigeria in October 2022, where he met with the Primate of All Nigeria, Most Rev. Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, and other church leaders. The visit aimed to strengthen ties between the Church of Nigeria and the Anglican Communion.

Primate's Address: In his address to the church, the Primate of All Nigeria, Most Rev. Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, emphasized the importance of unity, evangelism, and social justice. He also called for the church to be more involved in national development and to promote peace and reconciliation in the country.

Church's Response to Insecurity: The Church of Nigeria has been vocal about the insecurity challenges facing the country, particularly in the north. In September 2022, the church's leadership called on the government to take decisive action to address the issue of banditry and kidnapping.

Bishop's Ordination: In October 2022, the Church of Nigeria ordained a new bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeyemi, as the Bishop of the Diocese of Oke-Ogun. The ordination ceremony was attended by church leaders and dignitaries from across the country.

Youth Empowerment Program: The Church of Nigeria has launched a youth empowerment program aimed at equipping young people with skills and knowledge to become productive members of society. The program, which was launched in September 2022, will provide training in areas such as agriculture, entrepreneurship, and technology.

Ecumenical Dialogue: The Church of Nigeria has been engaging in ecumenical dialogue with other Christian denominations in the country. In October 2022, the church's leadership met with the leadership of the Catholic Church in Nigeria to discuss issues of common concern and to promote unity among Christians.

Primate's Birthday Celebration: In October 2022, the Church of Nigeria celebrated the birthday of the Primate of All Nigeria, Most Rev. Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba. The celebration was marked with a special service at the Cathedral Church of the Advent, Abuja, where the Primate was honored for his leadership and service to the church.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from the Church of Nigeria. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!