Church of nigeria anglican news 2018 gafcon

Here are some news articles and updates related to the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) from 2018:

  1. GAFCON III: Church of Nigeria sends strong delegation (June 2018)

The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, sent a strong delegation to GAFCON III, a global gathering of Anglicans who are committed to biblical faithfulness. The delegation was led by Archbishop Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria.

Source: Church of Nigeria News

  1. Church of Nigeria reaffirms commitment to GAFCON (July 2018)

The Church of Nigeria reaffirmed its commitment to GAFCON, stating that it is a vital part of the global Anglican Communion. The church's commitment to GAFCON was reaffirmed during the 2018 Synod of the Church of Nigeria.

Source: Anglican News

  1. GAFCON III: Church of Nigeria's Archbishop Ndukuba delivers keynote address (June 2018)

Archbishop Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, delivered the keynote address at GAFCON III. In his address, he emphasized the importance of biblical faithfulness and the need for Anglicans to stand together against the tide of liberal theology.

Source: GAFCON News

  1. Church of Nigeria's Archbishop Ndukuba meets with GAFCON leaders (June 2018)

Archbishop Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, met with leaders of GAFCON, including Archbishop Foley Beach, the Primate of the Anglican Church in North America. The meeting was seen as a significant step in strengthening ties between the Church of Nigeria and GAFCON.

Source: Church of Nigeria News

  1. GAFCON III: Church of Nigeria's bishops issue statement on biblical authority (June 2018)

Bishops from the Church of Nigeria issued a statement at GAFCON III, emphasizing the importance of biblical authority in the life of the church. The statement was seen as a strong affirmation of the church's commitment to biblical faithfulness.

Source: Anglican News

  1. Church of Nigeria's Archbishop Ndukuba meets with Archbishop of Canterbury (July 2018)

Archbishop Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, met with Archbishop Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, during a visit to the UK. The meeting was seen as an opportunity for the two archbishops to discuss issues of common concern and to strengthen ties between the Church of Nigeria and the Church of England.

Source: Church of Nigeria News