Church of nigeria anglican communion latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion:

Archbishop's Statement on COVID-19

In a recent statement, the Archbishop of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, urged Christians to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. He also called on government authorities to provide adequate healthcare facilities and resources to combat the pandemic.

Synod 2022

The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, held its 14th Synod in November 2022. The synod was attended by bishops, clergy, and laity from across the country. The theme of the synod was "The Church in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities." The synod discussed various issues, including the role of the church in promoting peace and unity in Nigeria, the need for greater collaboration between the church and government, and the importance of evangelism and mission.

Bishop's Ordination

In October 2022, the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, ordained a new bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Okoro, as the Bishop of the Diocese of Orlu. The ordination service was attended by bishops and clergy from across the country.

Youth Empowerment Program

The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, has launched a youth empowerment program aimed at equipping young people with skills and resources to become productive members of society. The program, which is being implemented in partnership with local organizations, includes training in areas such as agriculture, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

Prayer for Peace

In response to the ongoing security challenges in Nigeria, the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, has launched a prayer campaign for peace and stability in the country. The campaign, which is being led by the Archbishop, encourages Christians to pray for the peace and stability of Nigeria and for an end to violence and terrorism.

Ecumenical Dialogue

The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, has been engaging in ecumenical dialogue with other Christian denominations in Nigeria. In October 2022, the church hosted a meeting with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria, during which the two churches discussed issues of common concern, including the promotion of peace and unity in Nigeria.

Mission and Evangelism

The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, has been emphasizing the importance of mission and evangelism in its ministry. In recent months, the church has launched several initiatives aimed at spreading the gospel and reaching out to those who are not yet Christians. These initiatives include evangelism programs, Bible studies, and community outreach projects.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion. I hope this information is helpful.