Church new guests signage

Here are some ideas for church new guest signage:

  1. Welcome Sign: A simple and straightforward sign that greets new guests with a warm welcome.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! We're glad you're here."
  2. Information Sign: A sign that provides essential information about the church, such as service times, location, and contact details.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! Sunday Services: 8:30am & 11:00am. Location: 123 Main St. Contact: [phone number] or [email address]."
  3. New Guest Information Card: A sign that invites new guests to fill out a card with their contact information, allowing the church to follow up with them.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! We'd love to get to know you better. Please take a moment to fill out this card with your contact information."
  4. Special Offers Sign: A sign that highlights special offers or programs for new guests, such as a free gift or a chance to win a prize.
    • Example: "New to [Church Name]? As a special thank you, we'd like to offer you a free gift! Fill out this card and drop it in the offering plate to receive your gift."
  5. Map Sign: A sign that provides a map of the church campus, helping new guests navigate the facilities.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! Here's a map of our campus to help you find your way."
  6. Next Steps Sign: A sign that encourages new guests to take the next step in their spiritual journey, such as attending a small group or serving in the church.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! We're excited to have you here. Take the next step in your spiritual journey by attending a small group or serving in the church."
  7. Prayer Request Sign: A sign that invites new guests to submit prayer requests, allowing the church to pray for them.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! We'd love to pray for you. Please take a moment to write down your prayer requests on this card and drop it in the offering plate."
  8. Church History Sign: A sign that shares the history and mission of the church, helping new guests understand the church's values and purpose.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! We're a community of believers who are passionate about [church mission]. Learn more about our history and values by visiting our website or talking to one of our pastors."
  9. Staff Contact Sign: A sign that provides contact information for church staff, making it easy for new guests to reach out with questions or concerns.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our staff. Contact information: [phone number] or [email address]."
  10. Follow-Up Sign: A sign that reminds new guests that the church will be following up with them, either through a phone call or email.
    • Example: "Welcome to [Church Name]! We'll be following up with you soon to see how we can support you on your spiritual journey. Thank you for visiting us today!"

Remember to keep your signage clear, concise, and easy to read. You can also use digital signage or screens to display your messages, especially if you have a large or busy church.