Church leaders news

Here are some recent news stories and updates about church leaders:

Global Church News

  1. Pope Francis Appoints New Archbishop of Mexico City: Pope Francis has appointed Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes as the new Archbishop of Mexico City, replacing Cardinal Norberto Rivera. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  2. Evangelical Leaders Meet with Pope Francis: A group of evangelical leaders, including Franklin Graham and Tony Evans, met with Pope Francis at the Vatican to discuss issues such as evangelism and social justice. (Source: Christianity Today)
  3. Church of England Elects First Female Bishop: The Church of England has elected its first female bishop, the Rev. Dr. Rachel Treweek, who will serve as the Bishop of Gloucester. (Source: BBC News)

US Church News

  1. Southern Baptist Convention Elects New President: The Southern Baptist Convention has elected J.D. Greear as its new president, succeeding Steve Gaines. (Source: Baptist Press)
  2. Methodist Church Elects First Openly Gay Bishop: The United Methodist Church has elected the Rev. Karen Oliveto as its first openly gay bishop, sparking controversy within the denomination. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Evangelical Leaders Respond to Trump's Immigration Policy: A group of evangelical leaders, including Rick Warren and Tim Keller, have spoken out against President Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, calling for compassion and justice for migrants. (Source: The Washington Post)

International Church News

  1. Nigerian Church Leaders Kidnapped: A group of church leaders in Nigeria were kidnapped by armed men while traveling to a conference. (Source: Christian Today)
  2. Chinese Church Leader Detained: A prominent Chinese church leader, Pastor Wang Yi, has been detained by authorities for his advocacy of religious freedom and human rights. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Indian Church Leaders Protest against Anti-Christian Violence: Church leaders in India have protested against a surge in anti-Christian violence, calling for greater protection for minority communities. (Source: The Guardian)

Other News

  1. Churches Unite to Combat Human Trafficking: A coalition of churches has launched a new initiative to combat human trafficking, with the goal of raising awareness and supporting survivors. (Source: Christianity Today)
  2. Churches Respond to Natural Disasters: Churches around the world have responded to recent natural disasters, including hurricanes in the US and wildfires in Australia, with aid and support. (Source: Baptist Press)
  3. Churches Celebrate World Communion Sunday: Churches around the world celebrated World Communion Sunday, a day of unity and celebration of the global Christian community. (Source: The United Methodist Church)

These are just a few examples of recent news stories and updates about church leaders.