Chukwuemeka nwajiuba new portfolio

I'm assuming you're referring to Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba, a Nigerian politician and former Minister of State for Education. Here's a brief overview of his new portfolio:

Minister of State for Education (2019-2023)

As the Minister of State for Education, Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba was responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of policies related to education in Nigeria. Some of his key responsibilities included:

  1. Education Policy Development: Nwajiuba was involved in the development of education policies aimed at improving the quality of education in Nigeria, increasing access to education, and promoting education as a key driver of economic growth.
  2. Education Sector Reform: He worked to reform the education sector, focusing on issues such as curriculum development, teacher training, and infrastructure development.
  3. Budgeting and Resource Allocation: As Minister of State for Education, Nwajiuba was responsible for allocating resources to education institutions and programs, ensuring that the sector received adequate funding to support its development.
  4. International Cooperation: He collaborated with international organizations, such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to promote education development in Nigeria and share best practices with other countries.

New Portfolio (2023-present)

As of 2023, Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba has been appointed to a new portfolio, which is not publicly disclosed. However, it is likely that he will continue to play a key role in shaping education policy and development in Nigeria, possibly in a different capacity or ministry.

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available data and may not be exhaustive or up-to-date. If you require more specific or detailed information, I recommend checking official government sources or reputable news outlets.