Chronological new testament

Here is a chronological list of the books of the New Testament:

The Life of Jesus (Years 26-30 AD)

  1. Mark (written around 68 AD)
  2. Matthew (written around 80-90 AD)
  3. Luke (written around 80-90 AD)
  4. John (written around 90-100 AD)

The Early Church (Years 30-50 AD)

  1. Acts of the Apostles (written around 80-90 AD)

The Epistles (Letters) of Paul (Years 50-62 AD)

  1. 1 Thessalonians (written around 51 AD)
  2. Galatians (written around 55 AD)
  3. 2 Thessalonians (written around 51 AD)
  4. 1 Corinthians (written around 55 AD)
  5. 2 Corinthians (written around 56 AD)
  6. Romans (written around 57 AD)
  7. Philippians (written around 61 AD)
  8. Philemon (written around 61 AD)
  9. Ephesians (written around 62 AD)

The General Epistles (Letters) (Years 60-70 AD)

  1. James (written around 61 AD)
  2. 1 Peter (written around 64 AD)
  3. 2 Peter (written around 68 AD)
  4. 1 John (written around 90-100 AD)
  5. 2 John (written around 90-100 AD)
  6. 3 John (written around 90-100 AD)
  7. Jude (written around 65-80 AD)

The Book of Revelation (Years 90-100 AD)

  1. Revelation (written around 90-100 AD)

Note: The dates provided are approximate and based on scholarly consensus. The exact dates of composition are not universally agreed upon among scholars.