Chronoforms v5 tcpdf new page

A very specific question!

In ChronoForms v5, you can use the TCPDF plugin to generate PDF files. To create a new page in a TCPDF document using ChronoForms, you can use the following code in your form's PHP code:

// Get the TCPDF object
$pdf = tcpdf_get_pdf();

// Add a new page to the PDF document

// Set the page format (optional)
$pdf->SetPageFormat(array(0, 0, 210, 297)); // A4 format

// Set the page margins (optional)
$pdf->SetMargins(10, 10, 10, 10);

// You can now add content to the new page using TCPDF methods
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Hello World!');

Make sure to replace the tcpdf_get_pdf() function with the actual function name used in your ChronoForms installation.

You can also use the tcpdf_add_page() function to add a new page, which is a shortcut for AddPage():


Remember to check the TCPDF documentation for more information on available methods and options.

In your ChronoForms form, you can add this code using the "Custom PHP Code" field, which is available in the "Form Settings" section.