Chrome new tab homepage

The Chrome new tab homepage!

By default, the new tab page in Google Chrome displays a simple page with a search bar, a list of frequently visited websites, and some promotional content. However, you can customize this page to suit your needs and preferences. Here are some ways to customize your Chrome new tab homepage:

  1. Change the background image: You can change the background image of the new tab page by clicking on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the page, then selecting "Settings" and scrolling down to the "Appearance" section. From there, you can select a new background image from a list of options or upload your own image.
  2. Add a custom background: You can also add a custom background image or color to your new tab page by using a Chrome extension like "New Tab Customizer" or "Custom New Tab Page".
  3. Add widgets: You can add widgets to your new tab page to display information like the weather, news, or your schedule. To do this, click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the page, then select "Settings" and scroll down to the "Appearance" section. From there, you can select "Add to new tab" and choose from a list of available widgets.
  4. Change the search engine: You can change the default search engine on your new tab page by clicking on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the page, then selecting "Settings" and scrolling down to the "Search" section. From there, you can select a new search engine from a list of options.
  5. Remove promotional content: If you find the promotional content on your new tab page annoying, you can remove it by clicking on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the page, then selecting "Settings" and scrolling down to the "Appearance" section. From there, you can toggle off the "Show promotional content" option.
  6. Use a Chrome extension: There are many Chrome extensions available that can customize your new tab page, such as "New Tab Page" or "Custom New Tab". These extensions can add features like a to-do list, a calendar, or a random image generator to your new tab page.

Some popular Chrome extensions for customizing the new tab page include: