Christmas and new year greetings 2019 images

Here are some Christmas and New Year's greetings 2019 images:

Christmas Greetings

  1. A merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! [Image: A festive Christmas tree with presents and a star on top]
  2. Wishing you a holiday season as bright as your smile [Image: A smiling Santa Claus with a bag of toys]
  3. May your Christmas be filled with joy, love, and all your favorite things [Image: A festive holiday scene with snowflakes, holly, and a Christmas tree]
  4. Warmest wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year [Image: A cozy fireplace with stockings hung by the chimney]
  5. From our family to yours, warmest wishes for a joyous Christmas [Image: A family gathered around a Christmas tree, smiling and laughing]

New Year's Greetings

  1. Happy New Year! May your resolutions be achievable and your memories be unforgettable [Image: A clock striking midnight, with confetti and balloons in the background]
  2. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year [Image: A champagne bottle being popped, with a toast to the New Year]
  3. May the coming year bring you joy, success, and all your heart's desires [Image: A calendar flipping to January 1st, with a bright and sunny day ahead]
  4. Here's to a fresh start and a brand new year of possibilities [Image: A blank page with a pen and a calendar, symbolizing a new beginning]
  5. Wishing you a New Year filled with love, laughter, and adventure [Image: A group of friends cheering and hugging, with a city skyline in the background]

Christmas and New Year's Combo Greetings

  1. Wishing you a joyous Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year [Image: A Christmas tree with a New Year's Eve party hat on top]
  2. May your holiday season be merry and bright, and your New Year be filled with joy and cheer [Image: A festive holiday scene with a New Year's Eve countdown in the background]
  3. From our family to yours, warmest wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year [Image: A family gathered around a Christmas tree, with a New Year's Eve party hat on the table]
  4. Wishing you a holiday season as sweet as candy canes, and a New Year as bright as fireworks [Image: A festive holiday scene with candy canes and fireworks in the background]
  5. May your Christmas be filled with joy, and your New Year be filled with hope and happiness [Image: A Christmas tree with a New Year's Eve message on the ornaments]

I hope these images inspire you to create your own Christmas and New Year's greetings!