Christmas and new year deals on aliexpress

AliExpress is a popular online retail platform that offers a wide range of products at competitive prices. During the Christmas and New Year season, AliExpress often offers special deals, discounts, and promotions to attract more customers. Here are some of the deals you can expect to find on AliExpress during this period:

Christmas Deals (December 1-25)

  1. Discounts up to 50% off: AliExpress offers discounts on various products, including electronics, fashion, home appliances, and more.
  2. Free shipping: Many sellers offer free shipping on orders above a certain amount or on specific products.
  3. Buy one get one free (BOGO): Some sellers offer BOGO deals on select products.
  4. Gift cards: AliExpress often offers gift cards with purchase, which can be redeemed on future orders.
  5. Flash sales: AliExpress hosts flash sales on specific products or categories, offering limited-time discounts.

New Year Deals (December 26-January 31)

  1. Extended discounts: AliExpress often extends discounts on popular products from the Christmas season.
  2. New Year's sales: AliExpress hosts special sales on January 1-31, offering discounts on a wide range of products.
  3. Clearance sales: Sellers often clear out old inventory to make room for new products, offering deep discounts on remaining stock.
  4. Gift sets: AliExpress offers gift sets, which include multiple products at a discounted price.
  5. Cashback and rewards: AliExpress often offers cashback and rewards on purchases made during the New Year period.

Tips to get the best deals on AliExpress

  1. Sign up for AliExpress newsletters: Stay informed about upcoming deals and promotions.
  2. Follow your favorite sellers: Many sellers offer exclusive deals to their followers.
  3. Use AliExpress coupons: Look for coupons and promo codes on the AliExpress website or other coupon websites.
  4. Check for bundle deals: Buying multiple products together can often lead to significant savings.
  5. Read reviews and check seller ratings: Make sure to purchase from reputable sellers with high ratings to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Remember to always check the product description, reviews, and seller ratings before making a purchase on AliExpress. Happy shopping!