Christian post world news

Here are some recent Christian Post world news articles:

International News

  1. China's Christian Crackdown: 100,000 Churches Forced to Close, Thousands Arrested (March 2023) - The Chinese government has launched a widespread crackdown on Christianity, forcing over 100,000 churches to close and arresting thousands of Christians.
  2. North Korea's Christians Face 'Brutal' Persecution, Says Human Rights Group (February 2023) - A human rights group has accused North Korea of perpetrating "brutal" persecution against Christians, including imprisonment, torture, and forced labor.
  3. India's Christians Face 'Worst' Persecution in Decades, Says Report (January 2023) - A report by a Christian advocacy group has warned that India's Christians are facing the worst persecution in decades, with attacks on churches and Christians increasing significantly.

Middle East News

  1. Syrian Christians Fleeing ISIS-Occupied Areas Face 'Humanitarian Crisis' (March 2023) - Thousands of Syrian Christians are fleeing ISIS-occupied areas, but are facing a "humanitarian crisis" with limited access to food, water, and shelter.
  2. Iraq's Christians 'Still Waiting' for Justice After ISIS Persecution (February 2023) - Iraq's Christians are still waiting for justice and compensation after being persecuted by ISIS, with many families still displaced and struggling to rebuild their lives.
  3. Egypt's Christians Face 'Growing' Persecution, Says Human Rights Group (January 2023) - A human rights group has warned that Egypt's Christians are facing "growing" persecution, with attacks on churches and Christians increasing in recent years.

Africa News

  1. Nigeria's Christians 'Under Siege' as Fulani Herdsmen Attack Churches (March 2023) - Nigeria's Christians are "under siege" as Fulani herdsmen have launched a series of attacks on churches, killing and injuring many.
  2. South Sudan's Christians 'Struggling' to Survive Amid Civil War (February 2023) - South Sudan's Christians are "struggling" to survive amid the country's ongoing civil war, with many facing hunger, poverty, and displacement.
  3. Kenya's Christians 'Face Growing' Persecution, Says Report (January 2023) - A report has warned that Kenya's Christians are facing "growing" persecution, with attacks on churches and Christians increasing in recent years.

Asia News

  1. China's Christians 'Under Pressure' as Government Cracks Down on 'Illegal' Churches (March 2023) - China's Christians are "under pressure" as the government cracks down on "illegal" churches, with many facing arrest and imprisonment.
  2. North Korea's Christians 'Face Starvation' as Food Shortages Worsen (February 2023) - North Korea's Christians are "facing starvation" as food shortages worsen, with many struggling to access basic necessities like food and medicine.
  3. Indonesia's Christians 'Face Growing' Persecution, Says Report (January 2023) - A report has warned that Indonesia's Christians are facing "growing" persecution, with attacks on churches and Christians increasing in recent years.

These are just a few examples of the many Christian Post world news articles that highlight the challenges and struggles faced by Christians around the world.