Christian news 2 6 2018

Here are some Christian news stories from February 6, 2018:

  1. Pope Francis Calls for End to Violence in Syria: Pope Francis has urged world leaders to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Syria, where a devastating civil war has been ongoing for seven years. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  2. Christian Persecution on the Rise in India: A new report has highlighted the growing trend of Christian persecution in India, where Christians are facing increasing violence and discrimination at the hands of Hindu extremists. (Source: Morning Star News)
  3. Billy Graham's Funeral to be Held at Charlotte's Memorial Stadium: The funeral service for the late evangelist Billy Graham will be held at Charlotte's Memorial Stadium on March 2, with thousands of people expected to attend. (Source: The Charlotte Observer)
  4. Southern Baptist Convention Elects New President: The Southern Baptist Convention has elected J.D. Greear, pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, as its new president. (Source: Baptist Press)
  5. Christian Leaders Call for Prayer and Action in Response to Florida School Shooting: In the aftermath of the devastating school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Christian leaders are calling for prayer and action to address the issue of gun violence and promote peace and safety in schools. (Source: Christianity Today)
  6. Evangelical Leaders Meet with Trump to Discuss Immigration Reform: A group of evangelical leaders met with President Donald Trump at the White House to discuss immigration reform and other issues of importance to the Christian community. (Source: The Washington Post)
  7. Christian Aid Mission Reports on Persecution of Christians in North Korea: Christian Aid Mission has released a report highlighting the severe persecution of Christians in North Korea, where believers are facing imprisonment, torture, and even death for their faith. (Source: Christian Aid Mission)

These are just a few of the Christian news stories from February 6, 2018.