Christian new year games

Here are some Christian New Year's game ideas that you can play with your family, friends, or church group:

  1. Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of Bible verses related to new beginnings, forgiveness, or redemption. Hide the verses around the party area, and have participants find them.
  2. Resolution Roulette: Write down different Christian values or principles (e.g., kindness, generosity, humility) on slips of paper. Have each participant draw a slip and make a resolution to focus on that value for the coming year.
  3. Word of the Year: Have each participant choose a word that represents their focus or theme for the coming year. Then, have them create a visual representation of their word (e.g., a poster, a piece of art, a journal page).
  4. New Year's Trivia: Create a trivia game with questions related to Christian history, Bible stories, or Christian holidays. You can also include questions about the meaning of the New Year and its significance in Christian tradition.
  5. Prayer Chain: Have each participant write down a prayer request or a praise on a piece of paper. Then, create a chain by linking the papers together. This represents the connection and support of the community in prayer.
  6. Gratitude Jar: Have each participant write down things they're grateful for on slips of paper and put them in a jar. Then, take turns drawing out a slip and sharing what they're grateful for.
  7. New Year's Resolution Charades: Write down different Christian values or principles on slips of paper, and have each participant act out the value without speaking. The others have to guess what it is.
  8. Faith-themed Bingo: Create bingo cards with different Christian values, Bible verses, or faith-related words. As participants mingle and play games, they mark off the words they hear or see. The first to get five in a row wins.
  9. Prayer Walk: Take a walk around the party area or a nearby park, and have each participant pray for the people and places they see. You can also bring prayer cards or a prayer journal to record thoughts and prayers.
  10. New Year's Reflection: Have each participant reflect on the past year and write down what they're thankful for, what they've learned, and what they're looking forward to in the coming year. Then, have them share their reflections with the group.

Remember to keep the games light-hearted and fun, while also encouraging participants to reflect on their faith and relationships with others.