Christian jokes on new beginning

Here are some Christian jokes on new beginnings:

  1. Why did Jesus start a new beginning? Because He wanted to "re-birth" His plan!
  2. Why did the Christian go to the gym to start a new beginning? To "lift" their faith!
  3. What did the Bible say to the person starting a new beginning? "You shall 're-new' your life!"
  4. Why did the Christian start a new beginning with a clean slate? Because they wanted to "wipe the slate clean" of their past mistakes!
  5. What did the pastor say to the congregation starting a new beginning? "Let's 'start anew' and 're-write' our story!"
  6. Why did the Christian start a new beginning with a fresh perspective? Because they wanted to "see things from a new angle"!
  7. What did the Bible say to the person starting a new beginning? "You shall 're-new' your mind"!
  8. Why did the Christian start a new beginning with a new routine? Because they wanted to "break the mold" of their old habits!
  9. What did the pastor say to the congregation starting a new beginning? "Let's 'start fresh' and 're-start' our journey!"
  10. Why did the Christian start a new beginning with a new attitude? Because they wanted to "re-charge" their faith!

I hope these jokes bring a smile to your face and inspire you to start a new beginning with a positive and hopeful attitude!