Christian jerusalem news

Here are some recent news articles and updates related to Christian Jerusalem:

Recent News

  1. Patriarch of Jerusalem calls for unity among Christians (Catholic News Agency, March 2023): The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has called for unity among Christians in the Holy Land, urging them to work together to promote peace and stability in the region.
  2. Christian leaders in Jerusalem condemn Israeli settlement expansion (The Jerusalem Post, February 2023): Christian leaders in Jerusalem have condemned the Israeli government's decision to expand settlements in the West Bank, saying it undermines the chances of a two-state solution and threatens the Christian presence in the Holy Land.
  3. New church opens in Jerusalem's Old City (The Times of Israel, January 2023): A new church has been opened in Jerusalem's Old City, dedicated to the memory of the Armenian Genocide. The church is the first to be built in the Old City in over 100 years.

Ongoing Issues

  1. Christian property rights in Jerusalem: The Israeli government has been accused of seizing Christian property in Jerusalem, including land and buildings, to make way for Jewish settlements and infrastructure projects.
  2. Access to holy sites: Tensions have been rising over access to holy sites in Jerusalem, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Western Wall, which are considered sacred by Christians and Jews.
  3. Christian emigration from the Holy Land: Many Christians are leaving the Holy Land due to economic and political instability, which is threatening the Christian presence in the region.

Upcoming Events

  1. Holy Week and Easter celebrations in Jerusalem (April 2023): Christians around the world will be celebrating Holy Week and Easter, which will be marked by processions, services, and other events in Jerusalem's churches and holy sites.
  2. International Christian Conference in Jerusalem (May 2023): The International Christian Conference will be held in Jerusalem, bringing together Christian leaders and scholars from around the world to discuss issues related to Christianity in the Holy Land.

Recent Developments

  1. New archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem: Archaeologists have made several significant discoveries in Jerusalem, including the uncovering of a 2,000-year-old Roman road and a 1,500-year-old Byzantine church.
  2. Restoration of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is considered the holiest site in Christianity, is undergoing a major restoration project to repair damage caused by earthquakes and other natural disasters.

I hope this information is helpful!