Christian elders sad over retention of service chiefs

It appears that Christian elders in Nigeria are expressing sadness over the retention of the service chiefs by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government.

According to reports, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has condemned the decision to retain the service chiefs, citing their inability to effectively tackle insecurity in the country. The association has called for their immediate removal, stating that their continued stay in office is a threat to national security.

The CAN President, Rev. Samson Ayokunle, was quoted as saying that the retention of the service chiefs is a "clear indication that the government is not serious about tackling the security challenges facing the country." He added that the continued stay of the service chiefs is a "recipe for disaster" and that it is "unacceptable" to the Christian community.

The Christian elders have also expressed disappointment over the lack of progress in the fight against terrorism and banditry, despite the government's claims of successes. They have called for a more effective and result-oriented approach to addressing the security challenges facing the country.

It is worth noting that the retention of the service chiefs has been met with widespread criticism from various quarters, including the opposition parties and some civil society organizations. The government has, however, defended its decision, citing the need to allow the service chiefs to complete their tenure and to ensure continuity in the fight against insecurity.

The controversy surrounding the retention of the service chiefs has sparked a heated debate in Nigeria, with many calling for their removal and others defending their continued stay in office. The situation remains a major concern for the Christian community and other stakeholders in the country.