Christchurch shootings new zealand cabinet backs action on gun laws

On March 21, 2019, the New Zealand Cabinet announced that it would be introducing a package of gun law reforms in response to the Christchurch mosque shootings that occurred on March 15, 2019. The shootings, which killed 51 people and injured many more, were carried out by a lone gunman who used semi-automatic firearms.

The Cabinet's decision to introduce gun law reforms was widely supported by the public and politicians across the political spectrum. The reforms aimed to address the issue of gun violence in New Zealand and to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

Some of the key measures included in the gun law reforms were:

  1. A ban on the sale and possession of semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity magazines.
  2. A requirement for gun owners to register their firearms with the government.
  3. A ban on the sale and possession of certain types of ammunition.
  4. Increased penalties for gun-related offenses.
  5. Improved background checks for gun buyers.
  6. Increased funding for mental health services and support for victims of gun violence.

The gun law reforms were introduced through the Arms Legislation Bill, which was passed by the New Zealand Parliament in April 2019. The bill received widespread support from politicians and the public, and it was signed into law by the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, on April 12, 2019.

The gun law reforms were seen as a significant step forward in addressing the issue of gun violence in New Zealand, and they were widely praised by the public and politicians around the world.