Christ will come with a new name

A fascinating topic!

The idea that Jesus Christ will return with a new name is rooted in various biblical passages and apocalyptic traditions. Here are some key references:

  1. Revelation 19:12-13: In this passage, John describes Jesus as "Faithful and True" and says that He has a "name written that no one knows but He Himself." Some interpret this as indicating that Jesus will return with a new name that is not known to humanity.
  2. Isaiah 9:6: This verse prophesies that a child will be born, and His name will be called "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Some believe that this name will be fulfilled in Jesus' second coming, when He will be known by a new name that reflects His full glory and majesty.
  3. Daniel 10:13: In this passage, Daniel sees a vision of a mighty angel who is sent to him by God. The angel says that he is "one of the chief princes" and that his name is "Gabriel." Some interpret this as indicating that Gabriel will be the one to announce Jesus' return with a new name.
  4. Apocalyptic traditions: In some apocalyptic traditions, Jesus is said to return with a new name that is not known to humanity. For example, the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 46:1-3) describes Jesus as returning with a name that is not known to the wicked, but is known to the righteous.

It's important to note that these passages and traditions are open to interpretation, and not all Christians believe that Jesus will return with a new name. Some see the idea of a new name as a metaphor for Jesus' increased glory and majesty in His second coming, rather than a literal change in His name.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you believe that Jesus will return with a new name, or do you see this as a metaphor for His increased glory and majesty?