Christ holyness new assembly

I believe you meant to ask about the "New Assembly" of Christ Holiness Church.

The Christ Holiness Church is a Pentecostal Christian denomination that was founded in 1919 by Bishop Charles Harrison Mason. The church is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, and has a global presence with churches in the United States, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.

The New Assembly of Christ Holiness Church is a relatively new development within the denomination, with the first New Assembly being established in 2015. The New Assembly is a reorganization of the church's structure and governance, with the goal of making the church more effective and efficient in its mission to spread the gospel.

Some of the key features of the New Assembly include:

  1. A more decentralized structure: The New Assembly gives more autonomy to local churches and assemblies, allowing them to make decisions and take actions without needing to go through the national headquarters.
  2. A new leadership structure: The New Assembly introduces a new leadership structure, with a General Overseer serving as the chief executive officer of the denomination, and a Council of Elders providing guidance and oversight.
  3. A renewed focus on evangelism and outreach: The New Assembly places a strong emphasis on evangelism and outreach, with a goal of reaching new people and communities with the gospel.
  4. A greater emphasis on discipleship and spiritual growth: The New Assembly also places a strong emphasis on discipleship and spiritual growth, with a goal of helping believers to grow in their faith and become more effective witnesses for Christ.

Overall, the New Assembly of Christ Holiness Church is an exciting development that is designed to help the denomination to be more effective in its mission to spread the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ.