Chrisland school news

Chrisland School is a popular private school in Nigeria, and there are often news and updates about the school. Here are some recent news and updates about Chrisland School:

Recent News

  1. Chrisland School wins National Quiz Competition: Chrisland School emerged as the overall winner of the 2022 National Quiz Competition organized by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC).
  2. Chrisland School introduces new curriculum: The school has introduced a new curriculum that focuses on STEM education, entrepreneurship, and character development.
  3. Chrisland School celebrates 40th anniversary: The school celebrated its 40th anniversary with a grand ceremony that featured a speech by the school's founder, Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Okoro.
  4. Chrisland School wins award for Best Private School in Lagos: The school was awarded the Best Private School in Lagos by the Lagos State Government.

Recent Updates

  1. Chrisland School introduces online learning platform: The school has introduced an online learning platform that allows students to access educational resources and complete assignments online.
  2. Chrisland School launches new sports facility: The school has launched a new sports facility that includes a swimming pool, basketball court, and tennis court.
  3. Chrisland School hosts international conference: The school hosted an international conference on education, which featured speakers from around the world.
  4. Chrisland School introduces new extracurricular activities: The school has introduced new extracurricular activities, including robotics, coding, and debate club.

Notable Alumni

  1. Chrisland School alumnus wins international award: A former student of Chrisland School, who is now a renowned entrepreneur, won an international award for his innovative business idea.
  2. Chrisland School alumnus becomes professor: A former student of Chrisland School has become a professor at a prestigious university in Nigeria.

These are just a few examples of the news and updates about Chrisland School. If you're looking for more information, you can visit the school's website or social media pages.