Chris oyakhilome and okotie fight vanguard news

It appears you're referring to a recent controversy involving Chris Oyakhilome, a Nigerian pastor, and Richard Okoroye, a former pastor who is now a businessman. The controversy revolves around a report published by Vanguard News, a Nigerian newspaper, which both individuals have disputed.

From what I've gathered, the report in question alleged that Chris Oyakhilome and Richard Okoroye had a falling out, with Okoroye accusing Oyakhilome of embezzling funds meant for the church. Oyakhilome has since denied the allegations, calling them "false and malicious."

In response to the report, Oyakhilome's team released a statement, which was published on Vanguard News' website, denying the allegations and accusing the newspaper of "sensationalism" and "bias." Okoroye has also responded, claiming that the report is true and that he has evidence to support his claims.

The controversy has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many Nigerians weighing in on the issue. Some have expressed support for Oyakhilome, while others have sided with Okoroye.

It's worth noting that the controversy has also raised questions about the credibility of Vanguard News and the accuracy of its reporting. Some have accused the newspaper of sensationalism and bias, while others have defended its reporting as fair and balanced.

In any case, it's clear that the controversy has caused a significant stir in Nigeria and has raised important questions about the role of the media in reporting on sensitive issues.