Chris hechtl new dawn epub

It seems like you're looking for the eBook "New Dawn" by Chris Hecht.

Here's what I found:

"New Dawn" is a science fiction novel by Chris Hecht, published in 2019. The book is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is on the brink of extinction. The story follows a group of survivors as they try to rebuild society and uncover the truth behind the catastrophic event that wiped out most of the world's population.

If you're interested in reading "New Dawn" by Chris Hecht, you can find the eBook on various online platforms, such as:

  1. Amazon Kindle: You can purchase the eBook on Amazon Kindle and download it to your device.
  2. Barnes & Noble Nook: You can find the eBook on Barnes & Noble Nook and download it to your device.
  3. Google Play Books: You can purchase the eBook on Google Play Books and download it to your device.
  4. Apple Books: You can find the eBook on Apple Books and download it to your device.
  5. Kobo eBooks: You can purchase the eBook on Kobo eBooks and download it to your device.

Please note that availability and pricing may vary depending on your location and the platform you choose.

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