Chris ezike as the new commissioner of police

I think there may be some confusion here. Chris Ezike is a Nigerian lawyer and former Attorney General of Imo State, not a police officer or a Commissioner of Police. He has never held the position of Commissioner of Police in Nigeria or any other country.

If you meant to ask about a hypothetical scenario where Chris Ezike becomes the Commissioner of Police, I'd be happy to provide some insights. However, please note that this is purely speculative and not based on any real event or announcement.

As a hypothetical scenario, if Chris Ezike were to become the Commissioner of Police, he would likely bring his legal expertise and experience in governance to the role. As a lawyer, he would be familiar with the legal framework governing law enforcement and could potentially bring a more nuanced understanding of the law to the police force.

However, it's important to note that the Commissioner of Police is typically a law enforcement professional with extensive experience in policing, not a lawyer or politician. The role requires a deep understanding of policing strategies, tactics, and procedures, as well as the ability to lead and manage a large organization.

In any case, I hope this clarifies things!