Chris brown and davido new song

I'm not aware of a new song by Chris Brown and Davido. However, I can suggest some ways for you to find out if they have collaborated on a new song or not.

  1. Check their social media accounts: Both Chris Brown and Davido are active on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can check their accounts to see if they have posted any updates about a new song or collaboration.
  2. Look for music news websites and blogs: Websites like Billboard, MTV, and Complex often report on new music releases and collaborations. You can check their websites to see if they have any information about a new song by Chris Brown and Davido.
  3. Check music streaming platforms: You can also check music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal to see if they have any new music by Chris Brown and Davido.
  4. Check their official websites: You can also check the official websites of Chris Brown and Davido to see if they have any information about a new song or collaboration.

If you're unable to find any information about a new song by Chris Brown and Davido, it's possible that they may not have collaborated on a new song yet.