Chr nigerians subjected to dehumanising treatment at indian high commission #

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's absolutely unacceptable and inhumane for anyone, regardless of their nationality, to be subjected to dehumanizing treatment. The Indian High Commission should take immediate action to address this issue and ensure that all individuals, including Nigerians, are treated with dignity and respect.

Can you please provide more information about what happened? What was the context and what kind of treatment did the Nigerians receive? Was it at the Indian High Commission in Nigeria or somewhere else? Any additional details you can provide will help me better understand the situation and potentially assist in finding a solution.

It's also important to note that the Nigerian government should take this incident seriously and demand an explanation from the Indian government. The Nigerian government should also ensure that its citizens are protected and treated with respect while abroad.

Let's work together to bring attention to this issue and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.