Chokhmah new intake 2019 details

I'm assuming you're referring to the Chokhmah New Intake 2019 details for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Chokhmah is the Hebrew word for "wisdom" and is the name of the IDF's officer training program for new recruits. The program is designed to prepare new officers for their roles in the IDF and to instill in them the values and principles of the Israeli military.

Here are some details about the Chokhmah New Intake 2019:

Program Overview:

The Chokhmah program is a 12-month officer training program that is divided into three phases:

  1. Basic Officer Course (BOC): This phase lasts for 4 months and covers basic military skills, leadership, and teamwork.
  2. Officer Candidate Course (OCC): This phase lasts for 4 months and focuses on developing leadership and command skills.
  3. Officer Training Course (OTC): This phase lasts for 4 months and covers advanced military skills, tactics, and strategy.


To be eligible for the Chokhmah program, candidates must:

Selection Process:

The selection process for the Chokhmah program is highly competitive and involves several stages:

  1. Application: Candidates must submit an application and provide personal and academic information.
  2. Initial Screening: Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are invited to participate in an initial screening, which includes a physical fitness test and a psychological evaluation.
  3. Interviews: Candidates who pass the initial screening are invited to participate in interviews with IDF officers.
  4. Final Selection: The top candidates are selected for the Chokhmah program based on their performance in the interviews and other factors.

Training Locations:

The Chokhmah program is conducted at the IDF's Officer Training School in Beit Dagan, Israel.

Training Schedule:

The Chokhmah program is a 12-month program that runs from September to August. The training schedule is as follows:


Candidates who complete the Chokhmah program are awarded the rank of Second Lieutenant and are commissioned as officers in the IDF. The graduation ceremony typically takes place in August.

I hope this information is helpful!