Chiwenga zimbabwes coup leader sworn vp #

You're referring to the recent political developments in Zimbabwe!

Yes, you're correct. On December 24, 2017, Constantino Chiwenga, the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, was sworn in as the Vice President of Zimbabwe, following a military coup that ousted President Robert Mugabe.

Chiwenga, a close ally of Mugabe, had been a key player in the military's intervention in the country's politics. He was sworn in as Vice President by Chief Justice Luke Malaba, along with Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was also sworn in as President of Zimbabwe.

The coup was sparked by a purge of Mnangagwa and other senior officials by Mugabe's wife, Grace Mugabe, who was seen as a potential successor to her husband. The military intervened, and Mugabe was placed under house arrest before eventually resigning as President on November 21, 2017.

Chiwenga's appointment as Vice President was seen as a key step in the transition to a new government, with Mnangagwa at the helm. However, the move was also criticized by some as a power grab by the military, and raised concerns about the country's democratic future.