Chivita active new ads

Chivita Active is a popular brand of fruit juice in Nigeria, and they have been running several ads campaigns to promote their products. Here are some of the new ads:

  1. "Unleash Your Active": This ad campaign features a group of friends engaging in various outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and playing soccer. The tagline is "Unleash Your Active" and the message is that Chivita Active is the perfect drink to fuel your active lifestyle.

Watch the ad on YouTube

  1. "Chivita Active: The Perfect Hydration": This ad focuses on the importance of staying hydrated, especially during physical activities. The ad shows a person engaging in a workout and then taking a refreshing sip of Chivita Active to replenish their fluids.

Watch the ad on YouTube

  1. "Chivita Active: For the Active You": This ad campaign targets young adults who lead active lifestyles. The ad features a group of friends enjoying outdoor activities like surfing, skateboarding, and dancing, with Chivita Active as their go-to drink.

Watch the ad on YouTube

  1. "Chivita Active: The Power of 5": This ad highlights the five key benefits of Chivita Active: it's a great source of vitamins, it's refreshing, it's low in calories, it's made with natural ingredients, and it's perfect for active lifestyles.

Watch the ad on YouTube

These are just a few examples of the new ads from Chivita Active. The brand is known for its creative and engaging ad campaigns, and these ads are no exception.