Chinese news

I think you meant to ask about Chinese news websites that cover Nigeria, not "Chinese news" which doesn't seem to be a valid website.

Here are some Chinese news websites that cover Nigeria:

  1. China Daily Africa: This is the official website of China Daily, a leading English-language newspaper in China. They have a dedicated section on Africa, which includes news and analysis on Nigeria.
  2. Xinhua News Agency: Xinhua is China's official state-run news agency, and they have a dedicated section on Africa, which includes news and analysis on Nigeria.
  3. China Africa Project: This is a website run by the Chinese government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which focuses on China-Africa relations, including news and analysis on Nigeria.
  4. Global Times: This is a Chinese newspaper that covers international news, including Africa. They often have articles on Nigeria and its relations with China.
  5. This is the official website of the Chinese government, and they have a section on international relations, which includes news and analysis on Nigeria.

Some popular Chinese news websites that may occasionally cover Nigeria include:

  1. People's Daily Online
  2. China News Service
  3. CCTV News
  4. China Radio International

Please note that these websites may not always have the most up-to-date or in-depth coverage of Nigeria, as they are primarily focused on China's domestic and international news.