Chinese new year holiday

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a significant traditional holiday in China and other countries with Chinese populations. It is a 15-day celebration that marks the beginning of the new year on the traditional Chinese calendar.

Here are some key facts about the Chinese New Year holiday:

Date: Chinese New Year typically falls between January 21 and February 20, depending on the lunar calendar.

Duration: The celebration lasts for 15 days, with the first day being the most important.


  1. Family Reunions: Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions, with people returning to their hometowns to spend time with loved ones.
  2. Cleaning: Homes are thoroughly cleaned to sweep away bad luck and make room for good fortune.
  3. Decorations: Homes and public spaces are decorated with red lanterns, couplets, and paper cutouts to bring good luck and prosperity.
  4. Gift-Giving: Red envelopes filled with money are given to children and seniors as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
  5. Food: Traditional dishes such as dumplings, fish, and niangao (sticky rice cake) are eaten during the celebration.
  6. Lion and Dragon Dances: Performances of lion and dragon dances are common during the celebration, believed to bring good luck and fortune.
  7. Fireworks: Fireworks are a popular way to celebrate the new year, believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck.

Regional Variations: While the core traditions remain the same, different regions in China and other countries with Chinese populations have their own unique customs and practices.

Global Celebrations: Chinese New Year is celebrated not only in China but also in many other countries with significant Chinese populations, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Business Closures: Many businesses, including banks, schools, and government offices, are closed during the Chinese New Year holiday period.

Travel: The Chinese New Year holiday is one of the busiest travel periods in China, with millions of people traveling to their hometowns and popular tourist destinations.

Economic Impact: The Chinese New Year holiday has a significant impact on the global economy, with many industries, including tourism, retail, and manufacturing, experiencing a surge in activity during this period.

Overall, the Chinese New Year holiday is a time for celebration, family reunions, and new beginnings, and is an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.