Chinese new year break 2018

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a significant traditional holiday in China and other countries with Chinese populations. The dates of Chinese New Year vary each year, but it typically falls between January 21 and February 20.

In 2018, Chinese New Year fell on Friday, February 16. The holiday period usually lasts for around 15 days, with the first day of the new year being the most important.

Here are the dates for the Chinese New Year break in 2018:

During the Chinese New Year break, many businesses, schools, and government offices in China and other countries with Chinese populations are closed. It's a time for people to reunite with family and friends, exchange gifts, and enjoy traditional foods and festivities.

Some popular Chinese New Year traditions include:

The Chinese New Year is a time of celebration and renewal, and it's a significant cultural event in many parts of the world.