Chinese new year 2019 duration

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a 15-day celebration in China and other countries with significant Chinese populations. The exact dates of Chinese New Year vary each year, but it typically falls between January 21 and February 20.

For Chinese New Year 2019, the celebration began on:

The 15-day celebration ended on:

During this period, many Chinese people take time off work and school to spend with family and friends, engage in traditional activities, and participate in cultural events. The celebration is marked by various customs and traditions, including:

  1. Cleaning the house to sweep away bad luck
  2. Decorating with red decorations and couplets
  3. Wearing new clothes and giving red envelopes with money to children and seniors
  4. Eating traditional foods such as dumplings, niangao (sticky rice cake), and fish
  5. Watching traditional lion and dragon dances
  6. Participating in family gatherings and reunions
  7. Setting off firecrackers and fireworks

Chinese New Year 2019 was the Year of the Pig, which is the 12th animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle.