Chinese entertainment news blog

Here are some popular Chinese entertainment news blogs:

  1. EntGroup (娱乐组): A leading entertainment news website in China, providing the latest news, gossip, and analysis on the Chinese entertainment industry.
  2. Sina Entertainment (新浪娱乐): A popular entertainment news website from Sina Corporation, one of the largest online media companies in China.
  3. Sohu Entertainment (搜狐娱乐): A well-known entertainment news website from Sohu Corporation, a leading online media company in China.
  4. Tencent Entertainment (腾讯娱乐): A popular entertainment news website from Tencent Holdings, a leading technology company in China.
  5. Weibo Entertainment (微博娱乐): A dedicated entertainment news section on Weibo, a popular Chinese social media platform.
  6. Hong Kong Economic Times Entertainment (香港经济日报娱乐): A leading entertainment news website from Hong Kong, covering the latest news and trends in the Chinese entertainment industry.
  7. Ming Pao Entertainment (明报娱乐): A popular entertainment news website from Ming Pao, a well-known Hong Kong-based newspaper.
  8. Apple Daily Entertainment (苹果日报娱乐): A popular entertainment news website from Apple Daily, a leading Hong Kong-based newspaper.
  9. China Daily Entertainment (中国日报娱乐): A dedicated entertainment news section on China Daily, a leading English-language newspaper in China.
  10. The Paper Entertainment (澎湃娱乐): A popular entertainment news website from The Paper, a leading online media company in China.

These blogs provide the latest news, gossip, and analysis on the Chinese entertainment industry, including movies, TV dramas, music, and celebrity news.