Chinatown sydney new soslos

You're referring to the iconic S.O.S. (Save Our Souls) mural in Chinatown, Sydney!

The S.O.S. mural is a vibrant and colorful artwork created by artist Ken Done in 1988. It's located on the side of a building in Chinatown, and it's become a beloved landmark and a popular spot for tourists and locals alike.

The mural features a bright blue background with white and yellow letters spelling out "S.O.S." in bold, playful script. The artwork is meant to be a symbol of hope and optimism, and it's often seen as a representation of the city's cultural and artistic spirit.

The S.O.S. mural has become an iconic part of Sydney's urban landscape, and it's often featured in photographs and postcards of the city. It's also a popular spot for Instagram-worthy photos, with visitors from all over the world flocking to take pictures in front of the colorful artwork.

So, if you ever find yourself in Chinatown, Sydney, be sure to stop by and take a photo in front of this iconic mural!