Chinas xi tells trump cooperation is only choice

On January 15, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a phone call with US President Donald Trump to discuss the ongoing trade tensions between the two countries. During the call, Xi emphasized that cooperation between China and the US is the only choice for both countries, and that they should work together to address their differences and promote mutual benefits.

According to a statement released by the Chinese government, Xi told Trump that the two countries have a "deepening" relationship and that they should "seize the opportunity" to strengthen their cooperation. Xi also emphasized that China is willing to work with the US to address their differences and promote mutual benefits, but that the US should also take concrete actions to meet China's concerns.

Trump, in turn, reportedly told Xi that he is willing to work with China to address their differences and promote cooperation, but that the US will not back down on its demands for fair trade and intellectual property protection.

The phone call came after months of escalating tensions between the two countries, including a trade war that has seen both sides impose tariffs on each other's goods. The tensions have also been fueled by disagreements over issues such as human rights, technology, and security.

The call was seen as a significant development in the ongoing trade tensions between the two countries, and was widely reported in the media. It remains to be seen whether the call will lead to a breakthrough in the trade talks, but it is clear that both sides are eager to find a way to resolve their differences and promote cooperation.