Chinas xi pays first visit to virus epicentre wuhan

You're referring to the recent news about Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Wuhan, the city where the COVID-19 pandemic originated.

Yes, on March 10, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping made his first visit to Wuhan, the city in central China's Hubei province where the COVID-19 pandemic was first detected in December 2019. The visit was seen as a significant gesture of solidarity and support for the city and its people, who have been heavily affected by the pandemic.

During his visit, Xi Jinping paid tribute to the city's medical workers, who have been on the frontlines of the fight against the pandemic, and visited the Wuhan Central Hospital, where the first cases of COVID-19 were reported. He also met with local residents and officials to discuss the city's recovery efforts and the ongoing fight against the pandemic.

Xi's visit was seen as a symbol of the Chinese government's commitment to supporting Wuhan and its people, and to promoting economic recovery and development in the region. It was also seen as a way to boost morale and show appreciation for the sacrifices made by medical workers and other frontline personnel.

The visit was widely covered in the Chinese media, with many outlets highlighting Xi's words of encouragement and support for the city and its people. The visit was also seen as a significant moment in the country's efforts to rebuild and recover from the pandemic, and to promote economic growth and development in the region.