China plans nationwide use bioethanol 2020 #comments

A great topic!

According to various sources, including the Chinese government and industry reports, China has indeed been planning to promote the use of bioethanol as a biofuel nationwide by 2020.

Here are some key points:

  1. National Bioethanol Development Plan: In 2016, the Chinese government launched the National Bioethanol Development Plan, which aims to increase the country's bioethanol production capacity to 10 million tons by 2020.
  2. Bioethanol blending mandate: The plan also includes a bioethanol blending mandate, which requires refiners to blend 10% bioethanol with gasoline by 2020. This is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 million tons annually.
  3. Subsidies and incentives: The government has been providing subsidies and incentives to encourage the development of bioethanol production, including tax breaks, low-interest loans, and subsidies for feedstock procurement.
  4. Feedstock diversification: China is also promoting the use of diverse feedstocks, such as sugarcane, sweet potatoes, and corn, to reduce dependence on traditional feedstocks like corn and soybeans.
  5. Regional development: The plan also aims to promote regional development by establishing bioethanol production bases in various provinces, including Shandong, Henan, and Guangdong.

Some of the key players in China's bioethanol industry include:

  1. China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC): One of the largest oil companies in China, CNPC has been actively promoting the development of bioethanol production and blending.
  2. Sinopec: Another major oil company in China, Sinopec has also been investing in bioethanol production and blending.
  3. China Grain Reserves Corporation (CGRC): A state-owned company, CGRC is responsible for managing China's grain reserves and has been involved in the development of bioethanol production.

Overall, China's plan to promote the use of bioethanol as a biofuel nationwide by 2020 is expected to have a significant impact on the country's energy landscape, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development.