China news live youtube

Here are some popular China news live YouTube channels:

  1. CGTN (China Global Television Network): CGTN is a state-owned English-language news channel that provides live coverage of news and current events from China and around the world.
  2. China Daily: China Daily is a state-owned English-language newspaper that also has a YouTube channel featuring live news coverage, analysis, and commentary on China-related issues.
  3. Xinhua News Agency: Xinhua is China's official state-run news agency, and its YouTube channel features live news coverage, documentaries, and analysis on China and international issues.
  4. Phoenix TV: Phoenix TV is a Hong Kong-based Chinese-language television network that provides live news coverage, analysis, and commentary on China and international issues.
  5. CCTV (China Central Television): CCTV is China's state-owned national television network, and its YouTube channel features live news coverage, documentaries, and analysis on China and international issues.
  6. China News Service: China News Service is a state-owned news agency that provides live news coverage, analysis, and commentary on China and international issues.
  7. Global Times: Global Times is a Chinese-language newspaper that provides live news coverage, analysis, and commentary on China and international issues.
  8. China Economic Net: China Economic Net is a state-owned news agency that provides live news coverage, analysis, and commentary on China's economy and international trade.
  9. China Radio International: China Radio International is a state-owned radio network that provides live news coverage, analysis, and commentary on China and international issues.
  10. People's Daily: People's Daily is a state-owned newspaper that provides live news coverage, analysis, and commentary on China and international issues.

Please note that some of these channels may have restrictions or limitations on their content, and some may be available only in Chinese or with English subtitles.