China new stealth fighter

You're referring to the Chengdu J-20, China's fifth-generation stealth fighter!

Here are some key facts about the J-20:

Development: The J-20 was first revealed in 2011, and it's believed to have entered service with the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) in 2017.

Design: The J-20 is a single-seat, twin-engine fighter with a unique design featuring a curved, angular shape to reduce its radar cross-section. It has a length of 20.5 meters (67.3 feet), a wingspan of 12.5 meters (41 feet), and a height of 5.9 meters (19.4 feet).

Stealth capabilities: The J-20 is designed to be highly stealthy, with features such as:

Avionics and sensors: The J-20 is equipped with advanced avionics and sensors, including:

Engines: The J-20 is powered by two WS-10A or WS-10B turbofan engines, which are Chinese versions of the Russian AL-31F engine.

Performance: The J-20 has a top speed of over Mach 2.0 (around 1,480 mph or 2,380 km/h), a range of over 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles), and a service ceiling of over 20,000 meters (65,617 feet).

Comparison to other stealth fighters: The J-20 is often compared to the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II, both of which are used by the US military. While the J-20 is not as advanced as these aircraft, it is still considered a highly capable and formidable fighter.

Implications: The J-20's development and deployment have significant implications for regional security and the global balance of power. It represents a major milestone in China's military modernization efforts and has the potential to challenge the dominance of Western air forces in the region.

Overall, the Chengdu J-20 is a significant achievement for China's aviation industry and a testament to the country's growing military capabilities.