China new space mission

You're referring to China's latest space mission! China has been actively pursuing space exploration and development in recent years, and there have been several notable missions recently. Here are a few examples:

  1. Chang'e 5: Launched on November 24, 2020, Chang'e 5 is China's first lunar sample return mission. The spacecraft successfully landed on the Moon's surface on December 1, 2020, and returned to Earth on December 17, 2020, bringing back about 2 kg of lunar samples.
  2. Tiantan-1: Launched on April 28, 2021, Tiantan-1 is China's first space station module. The module is designed to serve as a testbed for the country's future space station, which is expected to be completed by 2024.
  3. Shenzhou 12: Launched on June 17, 2021, Shenzhou 12 is a crewed space mission that carried three Chinese astronauts to the Tiantan-1 space station for a 90-day stay. The mission marked China's first crewed spaceflight since 2016.
  4. Zhurong rover: Launched on July 23, 2020, Zhurong is a rover that landed on Mars on May 15, 2021. The rover is designed to explore the Martian surface and search for signs of life.
  5. Xuntian space telescope: Scheduled to launch in 2023, Xuntian is a space telescope that will be used to study the universe in visible and ultraviolet light. The telescope will be capable of observing objects as distant as 13.4 billion light-years away.

These are just a few examples of China's recent space missions. The country has a robust space program and is expected to continue making significant contributions to space exploration and development in the years to come.