China new road law for drivers

China has recently introduced new road laws for drivers, which came into effect on June 1, 2021. The new laws aim to improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion. Here are some key changes:

  1. New Traffic Violation System: China has introduced a new traffic violation system, which uses big data and artificial intelligence to monitor and track drivers' behavior. The system will issue fines and penalties to drivers who violate traffic rules.
  2. Increased Fines: Fines for traffic violations have been increased significantly. For example, the fine for speeding has been increased from 10-20 yuan (approximately $1.50-$3) to 50-100 yuan (approximately $7.50-$15).
  3. New Rules for Lane Changes: Drivers are now required to check their mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes, and to use their turn signals when changing lanes.
  4. Prohibition on Using Mobile Phones While Driving: Drivers are now prohibited from using mobile phones while driving, except in emergency situations.
  5. New Rules for Parking: Drivers are now required to park their vehicles in designated parking spaces, and to not park on sidewalks, bike lanes, or pedestrian crossings.
  6. Increased Penalties for Reckless Driving: Drivers who engage in reckless driving, such as racing or tailgating, will face increased penalties, including fines and suspension of their driver's license.
  7. New Requirements for Vehicle Inspections: Vehicles will now be required to undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet safety and environmental standards.
  8. Increased Focus on Road Safety Education: The new laws place a greater emphasis on road safety education, with a focus on teaching drivers about safe driving practices and the importance of road safety.
  9. New Technology Requirements: New vehicles will be required to be equipped with advanced safety features, such as lane departure warning systems and automatic emergency braking.
  10. Increased Cooperation with Other Countries: China has also signed agreements with other countries to share information and best practices on road safety, with the goal of improving road safety globally.

These new laws are part of China's efforts to improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion, and are expected to have a significant impact on the country's transportation system.