China new 1000 bed hospital

You're referring to the new 1000-bed hospital built in Wuhan, China to combat the COVID-19 pandemic!

Here are some key facts about the hospital:

  1. Name: Huoshenshan Hospital (火神山医院)
  2. Location: Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
  3. Capacity: 1,000 beds
  4. Construction time: Built in just 10 days (from February 1 to February 11, 2020)
  5. Design and construction: Designed by the China Railway Construction Corporation and built by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation
  6. Equipment and facilities: Equipped with advanced medical equipment, including ventilators, dialysis machines, and CT scanners. The hospital also has a helipad for emergency medical evacuations.
  7. Staff: Staffed by over 1,400 medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers.
  8. Services: Provides a range of medical services, including emergency care, intensive care, surgery, and isolation wards.
  9. Capacity expansion: Initially built with 1,000 beds, the hospital has since expanded to 2,600 beds to meet the growing demand for medical care during the pandemic.
  10. Impact: The hospital has played a crucial role in treating patients with COVID-19, helping to reduce the burden on Wuhan's healthcare system and save countless lives.

The construction of Huoshenshan Hospital was a remarkable feat of engineering and logistics, demonstrating China's ability to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies.