China lunar new year holiday 2017

The Chinese Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a significant holiday in China and is celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The exact dates of the holiday vary each year, but it typically falls between January 21 and February 20.

In 2017, the Chinese Lunar New Year fell on January 28, 2017. The holiday period, which is also known as the "Chunyun" period, typically lasts for around 15 days, with the majority of the holiday taking place between January 27 and February 10.

During the holiday, many businesses, schools, and government offices in China are closed, and people typically return to their hometowns to spend time with family and friends. It is a time for celebration, feasting, and gift-giving, and is considered one of the most important holidays in the Chinese calendar.

Here is a breakdown of the 2017 Chinese Lunar New Year holiday schedule:

Note that the exact dates of the holiday may vary depending on the region and the specific company or institution.