China latest news now

Here are some of the latest news from China:

Top Stories

  1. China's economy grows 6.1% in 2020: China's National Bureau of Statistics announced that the country's economy grew 6.1% in 2020, beating expectations and marking the first time the economy has grown above 6% since 2017. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
  2. China's COVID-19 vaccine approved for emergency use: China's National Medical Products Administration approved the emergency use of a COVID-19 vaccine developed by Sinopharm, a state-owned pharmaceutical company. (Source: China Daily)
  3. China and US agree to phase one trade deal: China and the US have agreed to implement the phase one trade deal, which aims to reduce tariffs and increase trade between the two countries. (Source: Reuters)

Business and Economy

  1. China's e-commerce giant Alibaba reports strong quarterly earnings: Alibaba Group Holding Ltd reported strong quarterly earnings, with revenue rising 35% year-on-year to $22.8 billion. (Source: Bloomberg)
  2. China's central bank cuts reserve requirement ratio: The People's Bank of China cut the reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 percentage points to 13.5%, aiming to boost lending and support the economy. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
  3. China's property market shows signs of recovery: China's property market has shown signs of recovery, with sales and prices rising in some cities. (Source: South China Morning Post)

Politics and Society

  1. China's parliament approves national security law for Hong Kong: China's National People's Congress approved a national security law for Hong Kong, which aims to prevent and punish acts of secession, subversion, and terrorism. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
  2. China's Xinjiang region reports significant economic growth: Xinjiang, a region in northwest China, reported significant economic growth in 2020, with GDP rising 7.4% year-on-year. (Source: China Daily)
  3. China's education ministry announces plans to improve vocational training: China's Ministry of Education announced plans to improve vocational training, aiming to increase the number of skilled workers and reduce unemployment. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Technology and Innovation

  1. China's Huawei launches new 5G smartphone: Huawei launched a new 5G smartphone, the Mate 40 Pro, which features a new processor and improved camera capabilities. (Source: CNET)
  2. China's Alibaba launches new AI-powered chatbot: Alibaba Group Holding Ltd launched a new AI-powered chatbot, called "Tmall Genie", which aims to improve customer service and shopping experiences. (Source: TechCrunch)
  3. China's Tencent Holdings launches new gaming platform: Tencent Holdings Ltd launched a new gaming platform, called "Tencent Games", which aims to compete with other popular gaming platforms. (Source: Bloomberg)

These are just some of the latest news from China. If you're looking for more information, please let me know what specific topics you're interested in and I'll do my best to provide you with the latest updates.