China fires missiles around taiwan after pelosi visit

You're referring to the recent tensions between China and Taiwan!

Yes, on August 4, 2022, China launched a series of military exercises and missile tests around Taiwan, following a visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the self-governing island. The exercises, which included live-fire drills and missile launches, were seen as a show of force by China to demonstrate its displeasure over Pelosi's visit.

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was significant because it was the first time a sitting US House Speaker had visited the island since 1997. The visit was seen as a symbol of support for Taiwan's democracy and a challenge to China's claims of sovereignty over the island.

In response to Pelosi's visit, China's military launched a series of exercises, including:

  1. Live-fire drills: China's military conducted live-fire drills in the Taiwan Strait, with missiles and artillery being fired in the direction of Taiwan.
  2. Missile tests: China launched several ballistic missiles, including Dongfeng-2 and Dongfeng-16 missiles, which flew over Taiwan and landed in the waters around the island.
  3. Air and naval exercises: China's air force and navy conducted exercises, including fighter jet sorties and naval patrols, around Taiwan.

The exercises were seen as a significant escalation of tensions between China and Taiwan, and raised concerns about the potential for conflict in the region. The US and other countries, including Japan and the Philippines, condemned China's actions and called for restraint.

In the aftermath of the exercises, Taiwan's military was put on high alert, and the island's government issued a statement saying that it would continue to defend its sovereignty and democracy. The US also reaffirmed its commitment to Taiwan's security and democracy, and called on China to cease its military exercises.

Overall, the situation highlights the ongoing tensions between China and Taiwan, and the potential for conflict in the region.