China files wto complaint as us escalates trade war

China has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the United States, escalating the ongoing trade war between the two countries.

According to reports, China's complaint alleges that the US has violated several WTO agreements, including the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, by imposing tariffs on Chinese goods and providing subsidies to US companies.

The complaint specifically targets the US tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods, which were imposed in September 2018. China has also accused the US of violating WTO rules by not providing sufficient evidence to justify the tariffs.

In response to the complaint, the US has accused China of violating WTO rules by not providing sufficient market access to US companies and by engaging in unfair trade practices.

The WTO complaint is the latest development in the ongoing trade war between the US and China, which has seen both countries impose tariffs on each other's goods. The trade war has had significant economic implications, with both countries experiencing declines in trade and economic growth.

The WTO complaint is likely to lead to a formal dispute settlement process, which could take several months or even years to resolve. In the meantime, the trade war is likely to continue, with both countries imposing further tariffs and engaging in diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute.

Here are some key points about the WTO complaint:

Overall, the WTO complaint is the latest development in the ongoing trade war between the US and China, and it is likely to have significant implications for the global economy.