China considering strong measures to contain taiwan sources

China is considering taking strong measures to contain Taiwan, according to various sources. Here are some of the measures being considered:

  1. Military drills: China's military is planning to conduct large-scale military drills near Taiwan, which could include live-fire exercises and amphibious landings. This would be a significant escalation of China's military presence in the region.
  2. Blockade: China is considering imposing a naval blockade on Taiwan, which would prevent Taiwan from receiving international aid and supplies. This would be a major escalation of China's efforts to isolate Taiwan.
  3. Economic sanctions: China is considering imposing economic sanctions on Taiwan, which could include restricting trade and investment, as well as targeting Taiwanese companies and individuals.
  4. Diplomatic isolation: China is trying to isolate Taiwan diplomatically, by persuading other countries to switch recognition from Taiwan to China. China has already succeeded in persuading several countries to switch recognition, including the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Panama.
  5. Cyber warfare: China is believed to be conducting cyber warfare against Taiwan, including hacking into Taiwanese government and military systems.
  6. Propaganda campaign: China is launching a propaganda campaign to undermine Taiwan's government and economy, by spreading disinformation and propaganda through various channels, including social media and state-controlled media.
  7. Military invasion: Some sources suggest that China is considering a military invasion of Taiwan, although this is still a topic of debate.

These measures are being considered in response to Taiwan's growing independence movement, which has been gaining momentum in recent years. Taiwan's government has been pushing for greater international recognition and has been strengthening its military and economic ties with other countries.

It's worth noting that the situation is highly volatile and sensitive, and any escalation of tensions between China and Taiwan could have significant consequences for regional stability and global security.